Property check

Review your property to be purchased with Spain Purchase Guide. Through the name and address details and the Nota Simple, we give an assessment of the property’s marketability. This will tell you whether it makes sense to apply for a mortgage for the property you want to buy (read more)

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Have your Spanish dream home tested by Spain Purchase Guide for marketability. With this, we indicate whether Spanish banks will/will not finance your property + a handy roadmap for follow-up steps. This way, you will know whether it makes sense to apply for a mortgage for the property you want to buy.

Based on some data and documents, we make a statement. Depending on data availability, you will receive the value judgment between 2 and 8 working days.

What data and documents do we need:

  • Name and address details of property to be purchased
  • Possible URL of the property
  • Note Simple of the property

Note: don’t have a Nota Simple? Then request it from the seller or broker!
If this is not possible, we can arrange it at an additional cost.